what's the cutoff age for dumping a baby at the firehouse?
she spent all night crying. the 2 day nocturnal slumber streak ended ugly. at least i discovered that TVLand shows Three's Company at 4 a.m. They're running the Don Knotts years.
Joe Corey is no longer quite that expectant of a slacker. He's really a Slacker Dad of a baby girl named Josie. This journal covers his journey of discovery as a stay at home dad.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bigger Veal Pen
After 2 months Josie was too big for the bassinet that sits on the Pack n Play. Her legs kept going over the edge. Her head would squeeze into the corner. So I took it off the top. Now she's in the middle section with more room to wiggle. although she falls asleep faster in the new space. Although she prefers to nap on me while i want to type.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The 48 Hour lifestyle
After keeping me up until 5 a.m. on Sunday/Monday - Josie was pretty much out like a like from 11 p.m. till 6 a.m. with a minor wake up for a little bottle action. It was not even close to a Big Eyed night. We didn't even try to keep her up all evening. She napped when she wanted and still slept better than me.
Maybe I can solve this by changing all the calendars around the house to read a day ahead so when she wakes up from an afternoon nap, she'll be ready for the second 24 hours.
Maybe I can solve this by changing all the calendars around the house to read a day ahead so when she wakes up from an afternoon nap, she'll be ready for the second 24 hours.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
This Could Work
Maybe Josie would go to sleep faster if I didn't give her a bedtime cocktail of Similac and Red Bull.
Her Schedule
I have a sneaking suspicion that Josie's schedule is a 48 hour cycle and not 24 hours. It seems like one night we get her to sleep through most of the night. Even if we repeat the routine the next day, she stays up all night. Then the next night, she's out like a light early. Or maybe this is just her way to get me to realize - you're not the boss of me, Zombie Dad.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Still Something to Await
Even after two months, Josie still hasn't gotten into the act of trying to put anything in her mouth that we don't place there. It's such a relief knowing i don't have to work the "don't taste that!" duty.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
quick tip
After 2 months of using a steak knife to cut the seal off the Similac formula carton; the wife pointed out you can flip the lid over and twist. No more 2 a.m. stabbings.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
music in the night
Here at the two month period, Josie is still a reactive baby with simple needs. When she whines, it's for one of three things: milk, messy diaper or to be held. She's not too picky about anything yet. Has no "favorite" stuff. She doesn't really grab things unless you put your finger in her hand. She is learning how to pivot her body - not quite a roll.
I think these are what people call "the simple days" of having a kid.
I've changed her bedtime music from Morton Gould's "Blues in the Night" to a Les Baxter compilation and the Free Design. I'm raising an Ultra Lounge baby.
I think these are what people call "the simple days" of having a kid.
I've changed her bedtime music from Morton Gould's "Blues in the Night" to a Les Baxter compilation and the Free Design. I'm raising an Ultra Lounge baby.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
a nice morning
When Josie awoke this morning, she didn't give me the look that reminded me that I made her a human pin cushion.
Guess as long as I hold her, change her diaper and give her milk, she's happy. Kids this age seem to have the devotion and forgetfulness of a Cocker Spaniel.
Guess as long as I hold her, change her diaper and give her milk, she's happy. Kids this age seem to have the devotion and forgetfulness of a Cocker Spaniel.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Shot Day
After Josie decided that going to bed when it's dark outside is for losers, it was time to haul her down to the doctor's office for her 2 month shots. Luckily I got a two hour nap when Becky woke up early to sit watch her. She didn't know what was coming as she laid on the table. I held her down while the nurse first gave her an oral vaccine. She thought all was going to be yummy. Then out came the needles.
A lot of time, I hear about parents who get really emotional when the kid gets stuck. But the severe lack of sleep made me immune to such a tearful moment. I had all the compassion of Dick Cheney as I held Josie's arms and the nurse punctured her thighs three times. The poor girl cried to the point of being silent. I had to blow on her mouth to get her to get a noise back in her mouth. I felt a bit like zombie dad as I got her to quiet down with a bottle and then change her diaper - she let out a blast right before the needles.
In a society where you're not allowed to slap, shake or spank a kid, inoculations appear to be the only threat of pain you can force on a child. She's too young to be threatened with "I'm dumping you off at the firestation."
I have to take her back in two months. Maybe if I get more than two hours of sleep, I'll feel extra guilty holding her down.
A lot of time, I hear about parents who get really emotional when the kid gets stuck. But the severe lack of sleep made me immune to such a tearful moment. I had all the compassion of Dick Cheney as I held Josie's arms and the nurse punctured her thighs three times. The poor girl cried to the point of being silent. I had to blow on her mouth to get her to get a noise back in her mouth. I felt a bit like zombie dad as I got her to quiet down with a bottle and then change her diaper - she let out a blast right before the needles.
In a society where you're not allowed to slap, shake or spank a kid, inoculations appear to be the only threat of pain you can force on a child. She's too young to be threatened with "I'm dumping you off at the firestation."
I have to take her back in two months. Maybe if I get more than two hours of sleep, I'll feel extra guilty holding her down.
This morning I got an email invitation from the Bunny Ranch's Dennis Hoff to a charity event at the Playboy Mansion. it's an night time pool party. Guests will be able to soak in the infamous Grotto. You don't get kicked out till 2 a.m. And it's less than a grand per ticket. Which makes me ponder, how much of a college fund does Josie needs? If the kid does well and gets into West Point like her grandfather, there's no need for a college fund.
It's such a hard choice - a chance to soak up the good life on the grounds of the Playboy Mansion or my kid doomed for community college? Damn these kids for getting in the way of their parents' dreams!
It's such a hard choice - a chance to soak up the good life on the grounds of the Playboy Mansion or my kid doomed for community college? Damn these kids for getting in the way of their parents' dreams!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Stylin' n Profilin'
Since Josie has such a thick head of hair already, we get to give her hairdos after bathtime. When it's combed forward, it's called The Moe. When it's combed back, it's The Larry. And when it's parted in the middle, she's sporting The Shemp. What about The Curly? That's daddy's haircut.
Monday, July 20, 2009
that outfit
Whenever we dress up Josie for bed in the long nightshirt and put on her pink knitted maryjanes, I can't help but think she's getting a fashion sense from Zippy the Pinhead.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
so we took Josie to my brother's house to see her newest cousin, Jacob. He's only a couple weeks old so he's not up for much. He just laid around and napped. Kids these days are so uninspired.
I learned the difference between boy and girl babies when I noticed that Jacob's onesie looked like he'd been sweating hard. Turn out it was urine. Who new that boy babies can piss so hard that the stream can go between the diaper and their stomach. One more reason why it's probably best that I have a daughter. Don't need to deal with the firehose situation.
I learned the difference between boy and girl babies when I noticed that Jacob's onesie looked like he'd been sweating hard. Turn out it was urine. Who new that boy babies can piss so hard that the stream can go between the diaper and their stomach. One more reason why it's probably best that I have a daughter. Don't need to deal with the firehose situation.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Gift of Slumber
There is something wonderful about just going to bed and sleeping for 8 hours straight without fear of rolling over and onto the baby. Or spending hours playing the "big eyes" game. Or rocking or hunting for the bottle. I feel recharged. I'm ready to stare at the baby while she naps during the day without envy and contempt.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Time compacted
Josie turned 7 weeks old yesterday. It doesn't seem that short of a time. It feels like 7 months. I bet this is because my number of waking hours per day has at least increased 50%. This is like I'm working on a marathon production with the weirdest gig on the crew - watch the baby.
Maybe tonight I can sleep long and let becky take care of the late shift.
Maybe tonight I can sleep long and let becky take care of the late shift.
Dark Hours
Sitting in the baby's room at three in the morning, wearing a shirt covered in various shades of baby formula puke, I contemplate my brilliant career. I'm really not sacrificing much to raise Josie. It's been months since I've received a call from a contact looking for help on a video shoot. I'm not even hearing stories of anyone working on projects outside of non-paying documentaries. It's like I picked the right time to become the stay at home dad.
I do have to find the time to work on my Chinese project that went on hold the day that Becky broke her water. But it's hard to get in the zone and focus when 90 percent of my time at the computer is me typing with one hand and coming up with creative ways to keep the bottle in Josie's mouth.
I need to change this t-shirt. It's like one of those t-shirts they sell at the beach that say "Damn Gulls" with the droppings scattered on the fabric.
I do have to find the time to work on my Chinese project that went on hold the day that Becky broke her water. But it's hard to get in the zone and focus when 90 percent of my time at the computer is me typing with one hand and coming up with creative ways to keep the bottle in Josie's mouth.
I need to change this t-shirt. It's like one of those t-shirts they sell at the beach that say "Damn Gulls" with the droppings scattered on the fabric.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
paperwork done
after a few weeks of being confused, we finally got Josie lined up for a baptism. got to get the devil out of her. she won't truly be baptized until we take her to a Redsox game and she gets dipped in the water used for Fenway Franks
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Endless Night
Why does the baby stay up all night and sleep all day? Is this God's revenge for my college years? Except the baby isn't eager to hit the Cat's Cradle and an after party. The baby doesn't want to go to I-Hop. The baby just wants to stare at me, suck down her bottle and scream whenever I close my eyes.
I'm going to solve this problem by moving next door to the ether plant.
I'm going to solve this problem by moving next door to the ether plant.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
cause and effect
The moment you look across the room and see the wipe up cloth on the sofa is the exact moment the baby will puke up her bottle on your shirt. It's the father-daughter mental bond.
Monday, July 13, 2009
She's Huge!
Josie now has grown big enough that her feet and head can barely touch the bassinet. The kid is a string bean. I should be getting calls any day from beach volleyball coaches.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tongues Untied
I'm finally communicating with Josie although not in a Harvard study approved way. We've now taken to sticking our tongue out at each other. I give her the tongue and she'll open her mouth and waggle her tongue at me. It's so sweet and tender and will probably bite me on the ass when she tongue waggles the wrong person.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Does that make them cranky
It seems like Josie is bigger today than on Monday. i'm wondering if part of why she gets cranky is growing pains. not like the baby cares to point at what hurts. They're kinda like an old boss who'd rather scream for an hour than tell you what needs to get fixed.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Day 4
this afternoon I had a phone interview the director of A Haunting in Conn and the woman who got spooked. I had Josie on the bed, She got a bottle while I chatted. At the end of the chat with the director, Josie decides to audition as a Scream Queen. Unfortunately he doesn't want to do another horror flick at the moment. Otherwise she's be the youngest Jamie Leigh Curtis impersonator.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
this happens
Becky told me that this morning, Josie was sound asleep when the baby let loose a fart so loud it woke herself up.
that smell
Josie farts more than a Benny Hill marathon. I think the first thing she'll say is "Pull my finger!"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
not there
we bought the teddy bear that makes the heart beat and organ noises to calm down the baby into reminding her of womb time. However it's had the opposite effect. Josie goes nuts when we turn it on. I think she suspects we're going to shove her back inside.
Monday, July 6, 2009
An inch?
Becky swears Josie has grown an inch today. The kid is now nearly filling the Pack-n-Play's bassinet. This baby is going to be a stringbean. I should be getting phonecalls from college basketball coaches soon. need to teach her the sky hook tomorrow.
Clutch Cargo
Unexpectedly Josie reached out and grabbed her giraffe rattle. Countdown for her stealing my car keys has begun.
Becky came home and the baby was looking happy and clean. She won't be calling social services on me.
My Brilliant Career
Today is the first day of Daddy Daycare. Amazingly enough Josie didn't try to outlast me last night. We had one wake up at 3:30 for milk and back to bed for the two of us until Becky woke up at 6:30 to give her a proper feeding and let me have a little nap. It feels good to watch her during the day instead of shuttling her off to a stranger. Especially since all she does is sit in the rocking chair and drink milk. When she gets to be a human tornado, that's when it's worth paying someone to suffer.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
not a good excuse
I've been informed to never try to get out of a wet diaper by claiming it might just be a case of camel toe.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
it's the 4th of july and i don't think josie can see far enough to care about fireworks. next year she'll be ready for bright explosions
Friday, July 3, 2009
guide to fuzz
not that Josie is ready to watch TV, but I turn to Sesame Street. There's a whole bunch of new monsters. I need to figure out their names and roles so I can have answers when Josie tries to out smart me with Monster Jeopardy
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The trip
Let it be known that nobody really goes on a vacation with a 5 week old baby. It's like going on Spring Break with a friend with the worst fake ID in the world. She's up all night. She's puking at odd hours. She's never away without a bottle between her lips. And she's always putting her face into breasts. I should have entered her in the latest "Be Paris Hilton's BFF."
Most of the vacation was spent shuttling the baby around to see various relatives around the lake. Luckily they fed us while playing with the baby.
Most of the vacation was spent shuttling the baby around to see various relatives around the lake. Luckily they fed us while playing with the baby.
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