Thursday, April 29, 2010


my pal Dan went through with having his body waxed on a radio station in order to get his daughter front row tickets to see Taylor Swift and a chance to meet the country star backstage. While this sounds like such a great sacrifice from a dad, Dan had gotten good seats and a backstage meet with Taylor Swift for his daughters a few months back. I think that gets to be the definition of spoiling a kid by having the hair ripped off your ass for the sake of them doing something again.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

That's my wallet

The baby was using my wallet as a chew toy. She also kept pulling bills out of it. They scattered across the floor. She's going to need to be rich.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gimme Three Steps

after Becky's birthday part wrapped up we were playing with Josie on the floor. She made it to three steps before hitting the carpet.

Soon we'll be having her running marathons around the hallway.

Home Schooling Pre-Preschool?

That was a weird question asked of me. Why wouldn't I want to teach the kid the alphabet, colors, numbers and how to program in Fortran? I figure I can also give the kid opening introductions to film theory and appreciation of speed metal of the '80s. Would be nice to send her off to kindergarten with the ability to tell the teacher that she really hasn't a clue about the deeper meanings of "Raging Bull."

Friday, April 23, 2010

they have pre-nursery school. why?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gotta Dance

Somehow the baby gets really excited when she see people dancing on TV. She bounces around and gets up on her knees. I'm hoping she prefers modern dance to ballet since that means I'll still have to pack a lunch for her.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

She's sorta talking

I had a long conversation with the baby today where I hadn't a clue what she said. Lot of little short single noises with a grunt accent. Strangely enough, we'll be repeating this chat in her teen years where I won't have a clue what she's saying. I need to practice my "understanding dad who just wants this to be summarized by mom" look.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

live the book

The baby is now in her third set of frog pajamas. not sure why we have this theme since I'm not that big of a fan of Tom Robbins' "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas." Although she does look cute when nearly passed out with frog faces on her feet.

Monday, April 19, 2010

where did she learn that

I swear the baby is making monster noises when she gets excited. A huffing and growling of joy comes from her. might just have to get her a furry suit so she can go to work on her on SyFy movie - Baby Panda Goes Wild would be a good title

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The baby is enamored of John Ritter. First John Ritter flirts with the girl I was hanging out with at the film school opening. Now he's going after my daughter. Even from the grave, he's dangerous.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My interview with the director of The Kids Grow Up

This was interesting since Doug Block had made a film about his daughter graduating from high school which looked back at his home videos of her. I wanted to know what to expect as a father with a videocamera.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Likes Real Fuzzy

So the baby is now watching Sesame Street although the show isn't as random as it used to be. There's no manic little bits. Instead we get these prolonged segments dealing with one topic. Are they trying to give this generation a real attention span? The one thing I've noticed is that the baby doesn't care for the segment in which they use CGI muppet. She'll get glued when real muppets and people interact. But when it's computerized Abby, she's got better things to do with her life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daddy's Girl

So yesterday I was merely taking out the trash and Josie stood up against the screen door and screamed at me as I was pushing the trash away. The wife was in the room with her so it wasn't like she was being completely abandoned. I've created a clingy baby....but at least she's clingy to me.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


if you're an expecting father, make sure you buy a digital camera. Every time you dress the baby in a new outfit, make sure you take a picture of them so that you can post them on your favorite photo site. This way friends and relatives will know you used their baby shower gift on the kid.

Monday, April 5, 2010

As if it is always a choice

I'm rather angry at this latest study that goes on about the nature of breastfeeding.

It's not that I don't agree with the findings so much as there are a lot of parents who don't have a choice if the lactation process doesn't go completely right. And now here's this Harvard smartass trying to guilt us all as if somehow lactation is as easy as a car seat. So my child is going to die or cost the nation billions because she went on formula. Must be so nice to make such judgments about what costs the nation billions from a university which costs a quarter of a million dollars for a BA degree.

Friday, April 2, 2010

the baby has a crush on Stephen Colbert

Thursday, April 1, 2010

another wall has fallen

Josie started crawling onto the coffeetable. I've lost another one of my defensive tricks to keep her out of places. The overturned stool is no longer protection for my computer cords. I should be overjoyed at a child that can't be stop except I have a home that is one big disaster in the making.

I keep thinking how I need to keep the kid on a bungie cord. Let her barely touch the ground and incapable of yanking stuff. But social services have their rules.