Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Simple Gifts....

This will probably be the last Christmas where the kid is overwhelmed with joy upon being given the gift of a jump rope. Time to tell the kid were now Amish and Santa will only bring her a new hammer for barn building season.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Do They Know It's Christmas?

What am I doing up before the kid on Christmas morning? This is just wrong. She's going a DreamLite waiting for her under the tree.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our National Nightmare May Have Ended

This morning was the first in nearly a week where Josie didn't throw a fit that I was taking her to preschool instead of Disney on Ice. Now only 50 more weeks before it'll start up with next year's Disney On Ice. And she'll know what the ads mean when they hit TV.

Fear the future.

Monday, December 10, 2012

This is like a fire station right?

I think I've reached my resistance point for the kid demanding I take her back to Disney On Ice. Nothing can be done without a demand to go see it again. I'm this close to just putting her in the car, letting her out at the arena and driving off. Let Mickey Mouse raise the child.

Friday, December 7, 2012

That's a country?

Today Josie tried to explain Mongolia to me as a "country way far away." She's ready for a UN post.

And I survived.....

Disney On Ice. It was enjoyable until almost the very end when Josie decided there was a second show. She screamed, fought and screamed more as I strapped her in the car. When is she going to be old enough that I can just toss her into the back of the mini-SUV and let her bounce home? That's all my parents had to do when they were sick of my whining.

It did hurt to look up at the Stanley Cup champs banner and know that the only action I'll see on ice at the arena involves skating princesses under the ownership of a giant rodent. Oh wait, it was the same as the NHL.