Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bedtime for Bonzo

we've decided at six months, it's time for the baby to understand the concept of being dumped in the crib while she's still awake. It took 45 minutes of screaming before she finally gave into the urge to konk out. I do feel bad, but it's not like she can do that much at night. She's not a good designated driver. And while she does make a handy wingman at bars, she seems to monopolize the attention. "I'm a baby...why do you want to talk to my daddy - talk to the baby!" To sleep she goes.

today I'm introducing her to involuntary naptime. I should try to find my copy of Godzilla vs. King Kong so their smashing Tokyo will drown out the baby's cries. I feel like a prison guard assigned to watch the hole. Someday I should write a book, "Everything I Know About Babycare, I Learned from Oz."

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