Tuesday, March 2, 2010

brooklyn boozy babies

While I enjoy taking the baby to Hooters, I found this article about people taking their babies to bars in Brooklyn disgusting.


That baby looks twice as drunk as her father. She's probably messed up on fumes from daddy's pint glasses. When I was a kid we had a name for people who took their kids to bars at random hours: DRUNKS. This was a badge of honor to drag a toddler into a bar.

Am I a hypocrite because I take the baby to Hooters and see these Brooklyn parents as losers? No. Because Hooters serves real food. It's a restaurant. I'm not parking my baby's stroller at the front of a bar like it's a kiddie ride at Disney World. I'm not taking my kid to a pure alcohol palace. I don't need adults to worry that their watering hole is being used as a daycare.

Ultimately I don't want my kid jaded by telling others how a certain bar was better when she was 4 years old. This Brooklyn attitude is what created Paris Hilton. Think that Dad in the article wants his little girl turning into an E! reality show star?

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