Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Support the Street

I've had it with the GOP attacking PBS because somehow they think Sesame Street ought to be a victim of the Free Market and not given a little tax payer funding.

Yet at the same time, these same Congressmen go nuts if I demand that the taxpayers quit sponsoring a NASCAR team for nearly $10 million. Because somehow a car going around a track 200 times is National Defense, but the Count telling kids in Alabama that there's more numbers than they have fingers isn't that important. Remind me again how many billions we've shipped off to Iraq and Afghanistan over the last decade that has just vanished from the books? And Big Bird is the problem?

Just remember that the free market is currently having ZERO issues with putting cadmium in your child's toys because it's cheaper than lead. Even when it was shown to be in Miley Cyrus jewelry, WalMart waited three months to pull it off the shelf - because that's what the free market does.

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