Friday, August 10, 2012

You Took Them to See What?

Often I joke about taking Josie to see Cinema Overdrive screenings at the Colony Theater. Who doesn't want to treat their daughter to "Silent Night Deadly Night?"

So after taking Josie to see The Lorax twice, I went alone to see Iron Sky. It's a fantasy action film about Nazis hiding out on the dark side of the Moon that invade the Earth when Sarah Palin is running for re-election. It's a great movie. It delivers on the promise of Nazis on the Moon. Big action of flying saucers attacking New York City. Much better use of Nazis than Inglorious Basterds. What got me when I entered was a young geeky couple had brought their little ones. Two kids under six or so. Which is cool.

What was weird is that after an hour of Nazi violence - people getting shot and injected with needles, the couple grabbed their kids and rushed them out of the theater during a clothed foreplay scene. After the romance was over, they brought the kids back to their seats around the time they got to watch a guy get shot in the face.

How can you bring kids to an R-rated film and somehow a scene of passion is too much for their little eyes, but a bullet between the eyes is fully acceptable. You're all in or you're all out. If you're going to be the cool parent, you can't give them the idea that passion is more dangerous than violence. It's a bad message to scar them with bullets while shielding them from kisses. You've lost your cool parents status - mysterious couple with kids.

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