Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bite Me, Texan

The other day Dr. Phil has an episode about working mothers versus stay at home mothers. Why? How 20th Century. Where's the piece on Stay at Home Dads? How about guys whose jobs have tanked and found themselves watching the kids cause it's cheaper to stay at home than fork up the cash for daycare with the jobs being offered to take the place of careers in limbo?

I seem to find more stay at home dads in that situation. If you factor in taxes and social security and other withholdings, you have to earn $24K to pay for decent child care. Even more if you send the kid to a private pre-school. So you stay at home and you teach the kid the simple things in life.

Where's Dr. Phil on this real subject? Or is he afraid I'll give him more than he can handle and would rather play it safe with a played out topic. Tomorrow on Dr. Phil: Where to Squeeze the Toothpaste.

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