Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Evil Teaching

During Josie's b-day weekend, my brother-in-law decided to "teach" her how to scream "Wake Up, Audrey!" and poke people until they do. He did it often at the cabin to Josie's cousin Audrey. This is just pure evil since it's all Josie likes to do now. If you're barely slumbering on the sofa, she'll race over, scream and shake. She won't stop till she sees the white of your eyes.

You know how hard it is to get a little nap around here? And now she's turned it into her excuse to make everyone stay up as long as her? Today at 4 a.m., she came into our bedroom screaming "Wake up Audrey!"

I'm planning my revenge. His child will learn something that will be of equal destructive power. Perhaps I'll just teach him to shout out their PIN number while at the bank?

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