Friday, June 17, 2011


Since it's impossible to put Josie in the crib since she can climb out, we have to help her fall to sleep in her big bed. This means one of us lays next to her until she's completely snoozing. Wednesday night was a complete disaster since every time I thought she was lights out, she would wake up with my shifting to escape the room. It got so bad that I missed nearly the entire game 7 between the Bruins and Canucks. I got downstairs just in time to catch the last few minutes the Bruins finally winning the Stanley Cup. While this was monumental since the Bs hadn't clinched the title since I was a little kid, I wasn't going to run upstairs and wake the baby so she could see it. I'll just lie and say I did. Isn't it good enough for her to catch the highlights on the 6 a.m. SportsCenter?

Last night I ended up falling asleep at the same time she nodded out. How can I be so sure? Cause she didn't try to scream "Wake up Audrey!" By the time I woke up, I had missed the Redsox-Rays game. Since Daily Show was a rerun, I just went back to bed in my bed. Thus when she woke up at 6 a.m., I was ready to feed her instead of coaxing her to sleep another hour.

Damn this child for attempting to convert me to being a morning person.

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