Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Bottle Massacre

last night was rough as the baby decided to wake up at 3:30 a.m. and keep me up until five a.m. So I'm not quite wide awake. When we get back from shopping, I decide to boil a bunch of baby bottle nipples and the tops to sterilize them. I put them in the pot, set it on high and go in the other room for a minute. The baby is still asleep in her carrying seat. It's so quiet that I just exhale and accidentally take a nap. I wake up to the sound and smell of a catastrophe.

I haven't seen something that nasty in a pot since the junior high cafeteria soup day. The good news is that I was able to save the pot. The weird news is that we'll be upgrading the baby's bottles which is probably a good thing form all the nasty reports I've read about plastics that get used a multiple time.

The smell wasn't so bad since it worked against the nasty pine scenter device that was given to us for Christmas. It leaked under the bathroom sink cabinet.

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