Monday, January 24, 2011

Sir Elton - What?

Fatherhood, says Elton John, “is surprisingly very relaxing because this little soul that you are feeding, changing, bathing and that you’re telling bedtime stories to is a blank palette, a blank canvas and all it needs is love and nurturing.”

Where did he find this baby? Or does he have sound proof walls between the nursery and his bedroom? Does he live next to an ether factory?

Surprising relaxing? You know what my surprise was - never getting any sleep. I still have the 4:30 a.m. screams of "I'm not going to bed" rattling in my head. I was a zombie dad for those first months.

all my baby needed was love and nurturing - but I needed earplugs. I was the blank canvas that was turned into the ending of Eraserhead.

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