Tuesday, February 1, 2011


A woman from Alaska thought it would be smart to have her 10 year old videotaping her methods of punishing a kid to air on Dr. Phil. She forced the boy to take hits of hot sauce and take a cold shower to give him discipline. Naturally the authorities have now charged her for child abuse since she provided evidence via a nationally syndicated show.

I don't think hot saucing a kid is a smart move since it might turn them into Cajuns. What parent wants to wake up and discover their children are secretly watching Southern Comfort and not rooting for the National Guardsmen?

And cold showers in Alaska? This increases the chances of that child being a Polar Bear. She's not fixing anything with her punishment methods. She's merely helping this child spend the rest of his life looking for kinky activities on Craigslist.

The mother's lawyer claimed that sometimes she gets overwhelmed by raising 6 kids. Trouble is the boy and his twin brother were adopted from Russia when they were 5 years old. She went out and bought her problems. One second you want to share your love, but when things don't turn out perfect, you hit it with a bottle of Texas Pete like a weak Taco Bell burrito. That's not a mothering skill.

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