Friday, February 6, 2009

Octo-mom Creepier than imagined

They had the woman on TV who popped out the 8 puppies and had 6 more at home. She's certifiable. First thing is she looks like Angelina Jolie's stand-in. She then keeps going on that she wants all these kids because as an only child her parents didn't give her that great of a childhood. That's all nice except that from reports, her parents were raising the last 6 kids. She's on disability. She claims she's finishing up a degree that will allow her to support all 14 kids without having a spouse. What degree is this? I want this money making degree.

I'm relieved that we only have one on the away. Although it sucks that Ann Curry won't be showing up to interview us about the challenge of raising a single kid in a nation obsessed with litters. How can we compete with Octo-mon, Angelina Jolie's brood, John and Katie and those Duggars? People who don't want to turn their wife's uterus into Grand Central Station are outcasts in this "Breed 'em Big and TV Ready" generation.

Maybe we could just photoshop Josie to look like she's one of 9 kids. We just have to keep the lie going until after an Oprah appearance.

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