Thursday, February 12, 2009

Question of time

While wandering to the mailbox, I realize how quickly my day seems to go by. And then I remember how long a day was when I was a kid. It was amazing how much I could pack into an afternoon as an 8 year old. I blame it on relativity. the more you adjust to the structure of time, the faster it takes - unless you're talking about that last minute of an NCAA basketball game. Those take hours.

I realize that Josie at this moment has no idea of time since she's pretty much in the dark. When she's born, she won't catch on to the whole night and day thing. it's just going to be "feed me" time and "change this wet diaper" time and "shut up so I can sleep" time.

I've decided that I need to give her a sense of a cycle. I'll have to Tuba Becky's belly before she goes to sleep and when she wakes up. This way when Josie is born, I can make the tuba noise and she'll be able to relate to that part of the day. I just need to think of a code to tuba. "Ace of Spades" at sunrise?

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