Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm deaf

I fear for the future of my hearing. Josie has this ability to scream so loud she's hitting notes that the Opera school would outlaw for fear of sterilizing dogs. How loud will she get as a toddler when she finally wants things other than bottle, diaper change or to be held? Please tell me that this force will not be used in the hopes of obtaining Dora the Explorer crap.

I am taking fate in my own hands during the day as I teach her to grab stuff. It is a necessary skill. I dangle a set of linked rings over her hands. She's slowly learning to grab them instead of batting them. Soon she'll be snagging dollars out of my wallet - if there are any in there.


becorey said...

she grabbed a handful of my hair this morning.

corey3rd said...

she's bringing the pain