Saturday, August 29, 2009

the sitter

We let Becky's mom watch Josie while we went off to a wedding in Durham. She didn't merely come over, but I put the babyseat in her car so she could take Josie back to her hotel. We were meeting up later for someone's surprise birthday dinner. As much as I hate being away from Josie, I didn't go worry wart about being away from her. i didn't call constantly on the cellphone. I enjoyed the little respite. We took a nap after the wedding and before the dinner. I was happy see Josie at the restaurant.

Am I a bad dad for not going nuts and calling every few minutes? Or do I just realize that the kid can take care of herself or at least sleep through such things? I do fear the kid would go nuts on the mini-bar. those booze bottles are baby-sized.

1 comment:

dyanna said...

I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.