Thursday, November 13, 2008

cold culture

Supposedly under Eskimo culture, if a pal who is traveling cross country with his pregnant wife drops by your igloo for a visit, he's entitled to borrow your non-pregnant wife to continue the trip. You're stuck dealing with the pregnant wife until he returns from the trip. I've never met an Eskimo who can explain if this is real or not. What are the chances that a Eskimo with a wife finally showing decided it was time to take that trip so he can pop by the pal with the hot wife to "swap"? Did Eskimos do their best to keep a scan out for travelers with pregnant wives so they could turn the lights out in the igloo? And what happens if you knock up your friend's wife on the second half of the trip? Do you get to swap her further down the road?

Not that I would ever go on a trip and leave my Becky with the host while I head off with the wife.

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