Monday, May 18, 2009

Going Lower

Becky came home with the news that Josie has slipped lower in her belly. Has the countdown clock started? We still haven't visited the birthing center to see what weirdness we can get away with in the delivery room. Do they have cable? Cause if I'm going to have to sit there for hours massaging Becky's back and helping her breathe, I'd like to be able to watch the Match Game marathon. I think it'd be best for Josie to hear the joy of Charles Nelson Riley laughing after she pops out.

Seeing how were only a few weeks from the due date, I'm not in complete panic mode over this news. She should be big enough for the onesies we've been given at the various showers. I don't have any menthol cigarettes for her. Those are smoother on a baby's lungs.

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