Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello in there!

This morning we went back for the checkup. They had us do another ultrasound to see how big Josie really is since Becky's got a big ol' bump. After being extra active this morning, Josie was resting when we took a peek inside. I'm starting to wonder if the ultrasound relaxes a baby. Maybe if you hit a newborn with an ultrasound wand, they'll quiet up. Wonder if I can get a creepy child hospital research center to fund this theory of mine.

The woman working the ultra sound said Josie is now 5 pounds and 14 ounces. She'll probably be around 9 pounds when born. I want to go down to the Harris-Teeter to see what a 9 pound frozen turkey feels like. Although I can't let Becky see this cause then she'll wonder how that mini-Butterball is going to pass through a 10 cm gap. No need to have her worry with physical evidence.

The ultimate good news is that Josie is already growing hair. This means that I won't have to hear any jokes about Josie having my hairline or which one of us was just born. She's going to be combed at birth.

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