Monday, May 25, 2009

that would have been cool

Moonlight Bunny Ranch's Dennis Hof sent me an invite to a party he's hosting at the Playboy Mansion. Unfortunately Becky is at that no fly stage. But I can't help thinking it would have been extra cool to have Josie being delivered as a water birth in the Playboy Mansion Grotto.

I can't imagine anything cooler than her getting to tell people when they ask where she was born getting to say "The Playboy Mansion Grotto!" Maybe the only thing that could top is if Becky gave birth in the Jungle Room at Graceland. But is it safe to expose a baby to that much shag carpeting and tiki furniture?

The big problem with the grotto would be the fear that my child would have come into organic matter belonging to Fred Durst and Drew Carey. I don't think they sanitize the place that good between parties. Also I think Hefner would stick me with the tab for having to sanitize and refill the pool. He wouldn't get me a discount deal either since he'll be jealous that he didn't try this stunt with either of his sons.

Although someday Josie can always claim in her autobiography that her father plotted for her to be born in the Grotto and blessed by the waters that once cleansed the soul of James Caan.

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