Friday, May 22, 2009

There Won't Be Blood

I won't have my chance to beat up a product engineer this morning. After deciding to lower my IQ to a rabid chimp, I made the pack n play work. It's not stable and complete. I don't even have any missing parts once I figured out the secret of the metal bars and the tiny screws. It almost feels stable enough for a squirmy Josie.

The unexpected thing is the pack n play is the size of a VW Bug. Or at least an East German Trabant. Probably gets better mileage than a Trabant at this point.

The good news it that the newborn bart of it has the kid almost at eye level for my desk chair. I'll be able to work on the computer and watch TV while keeping the left side of my eye on Josie. Plus I can touch her while typing.

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