Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Secret is Out

Last night around 9:30 the phone rings. It's Dan. He keeps repeating Congratulations. I do my best to play dumb, but the gig is up. Turns out his wife got the baby shower invitation from Leslie. The party isn't until the end of April. Why did she have to mail them out so soon?

Dan calls me up this morning to inform me of the living hell my life is about to become and how he's going to come over and watch it. I inform him that my Josie will make him feel intellectually inferior. She'll understand the concept of dressing chimps up in human clothes rules over humans dressing up as monkeys.

He's quit his sub teacher gig so that means he'll have more time to call and remind me....ahhhhhhhh.

Quiet time has officially ended.

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