Monday, April 6, 2009

The pain, the pain, Will Robinson....

Becky's been having issues with her bras biting into her skin. It's just too damn tight around the band. So we went to JC Penney the other night since the lady at Babiesrus tipped us off to their maternity bra section. We wander around for a bit and then go to the checkout. The woman working the section starts to give Becky really good tips about what to do since when the baby drops in the womb, the bras won't be as tight. But right now Josie is riding high in the saddle.

It was rather shocking to get real information from a saleswoman. So much of today's retail is of the mindset that one person can do every job since they merely have to know where to find it on the shelf. They don't have to understand the product completely. The tag on the shelf will explain that pesky smart folk info.

Now I get to wait for Josie to drop so Becky doesn't come home looking like she's been attending a rope bondage class during her lunch break.

1 comment:

thepriesters said...

ahhh... I can concur with this pain!! I had to go to wireless during this time of pregnancy. They are recommended while breastfeeding anyways so I made the switch. Love the blog. Thinking of you both! I want to see some pictures of Becky!!!