Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shower Season

We had the first of the three baby showers at the cabin on Lake Gaston. It was kind of strange since by our figuring, this was the place that Josie was conceived. We didn't tell too many people this strange fact. It is a very personal space for us since this is also where we had our wedding reception. Such a beautiful view of the lake from this house on a point in the middle of the lake so it's water on nearly all sides.

The party was nice - although I ducked most of the ooohing and awwwwwing by taking dad over to my father-in-law's ranch. We manned up by watching Tarzan killing Nazis.

When we brought the gifts home and unpacked them, it house now has a definitive "baby is coming" smell. We got tons of diapers from folks which is so nice. But the frightening thought is that for the first few weeks, the she'll go through about 10 diapers a day. The pooping never stops.

No matter how bad the smell gets, I'll focus on the view of the lake from the deck.

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