Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Google hates the Butterbean

This was Google's reply to my Adsense appeal: "Thanks for providing us with additional information. However, after
thoroughly reviewing your account data and taking your feedback into
consideration, we've re-confirmed that your account poses a significant
risk to our advertisers. For this reason, we're unable to reinstate your
account. Thank you for your understanding."

Google swears their slogan is "Don't Be Evil," but they have destroyed the Butterbean fund by banning me from Adsense without giving me any facts like any other Evil corporation or a bank that took Bailout Billions. I do hope they understand that the last internet giant that dared to tangle with me with their faceless behemoth ways was Yahoo when they killed my account without warning or reason. How has Yahoo been doing? Google be prepared for your stock to sell for $12 a pop, too. The Butterbean will put an end to your private jumbo jet ways!

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